Odessa has a tooth. Yes, not the beginnings of a tooth, but a tooth that's in and biting. Took about 3 weeks to come in. Just the one. It's... I don't know. Cute! Very square, as they often are. Tiny and porcelain-looking, when we're allowed to see it.
Everyone is playing together now. We steal toys out of hands, pacifiers out of mouths. Sometimes, when it's done to us, we complain, but mostly we just find something else to grab and chew. Apples are especially delicious, when there's a bite out of them and we can lick the white part. They bounce nicely and make a loud thump.

We have nice grins. Georgia's is, as always, pure flirty sugar. Odessa's has gone from the excited gaping maw to a big wide smile that seems positively joyful. We laugh at each other and smash our hands up and down when we see each other. Or the cat. Animal sounds are funny. Life is pretty fun. Also, all the grown-ups we know are pregnant, which seems very promising.
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