Dear world, it turns out it's way more fun to hang out with the babies than to blab/blog about them. Sorry, fans of the twins and their daily foibles! Call us and we'll bring them over instead.
Meanwhile, the entire contents of Staci's camera (which is a little time capsule of the last 4 months) are
here. It's summertime in the camera! Which it is not in the real world. Pink cheeks and grumpy munchkins sweating in bear suits is where we're at right now.
Indoors, the babies are standing up a lot, hanging onto the fence of the baby jail that now takes up half of the living room. Odessa likes to let go and practice surfing the living room floor. Jojo is a boinger -- she hangs a sock out of her mouth, pounds the keyboard of the music table and jounces from the knees and head-bangs. As frequent diners-out in Little Italy della Bronx, they eat crusts of bread, because they have teeth. Teeth! Georgia is breaking out her first upper tooth, and Odessa has four big massive choppers on top. And they sit in highchairs and stuff. And throw things.

The doctor reports that they're "normal" and "seem smart." (I would put it the other way around -- they
seem normal, but we're not through with them yet; and they
are smart, so smart! It's all framing. It's probably because they read and eat many fine books. How many books do they eat? You be the judge: Odessa weighs 18lbs 2oz and is 28" tall. Georgia weighs 16lbs 11oz, and is 29.5" tall. Not noted by the doctor: Georgia eats like she's practicing for a pie contest, whereas Odessa clamps her lips together and shakes her head No way, I'm not eating that!!! So no one should worry about which little Cinderella is deprived and starving, and which one is overfed.)
Here's some catch-up video...